Saturday, December 26, 2009

Generating Extra Income in 2010

Hello One & All...It's Dec. 26th & Christmas 09 is behind us! The New Year lurks right around
the corner and by the end of this coming week we'll be well into 2010 so there's a couple of things I want to say right here and now. First of all....HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ONE AND ALL!
Secondly, I have been compiling information for my new Online Income Training Course and I
just about have it ready for the public. There's an old saying that goes like this..."You can't be
everywhere at once". Well, that truly is an "old" (and antiquated) statement because now with
the availability of the Internet I literally "Can Be Everywhere" all at once. We are going through some tough times right now and a lot of people are out of work. There's a "Fact of Life" that
comes in to play here so listen to what I have to say very carefully...."You CANNOT work
24/7/365 without some type of entertainment in your life" It's just NOT physically possible!
If you were able to then you'd probably go nuts before you could get any help. This is where
I come in....I want to provide you with some FREE INFORMATION about my Online Income
Training Course that will help you to generate EXRA INCOME in 2010. I know you can use it!
Here's the best part of it all....Ican help you MAKE MONEY with Tour Buses and my Country
Music Show. If you'll take the course I'll be there to guide you every step of the way to acheiving this goal. You see when you make money - I make money so that makes this a "Win/Win Situation". I can't afford to let you down! For those of you in CA/AZ/TX/UT & NM I'll be available to help you personally on certain occasions. When possible I'll be planning the itineraries for you since I have all the contacts and know how to get the best deals from hotels and Charter Bus Companies. All you have to do is share the information with your friends, get them to sign up and come with you and make the $$$$$$! On some of the itineraries I will be interjecting my Country Music Show so as you can see you'll be making $$$ and $0 will I.

Now, my question to you is this... Could you use some extra income in 2010? If so, here's all
you do....First of all go to my web site & see who I am! My web site is
This will verify my identity! Now, send me an e-mail ( and give me the
following information...(1) Your Name; (2) Your Approximate Age; (3) The City and State
where you reside. (Please note: Any and all e-mail addresses I collect will NOT be sold or
shared with anyone. These are strictly for my use in getting touch with you periodically.) It
is imperative that you put this note somewhere in the body of the text...."Bobby, I would like
to receive the FREE Information you talk about". This prevents anyone from saying that I
"Spammed them"....I did NOT - You asked for the information and I have your e-mail on file
to prove that you asked for it! Believe it or not, there are some people out there who would do this too if they were given the chance.

In closing let me say this....I can help you generate Extra Income with Tour Buses and my Country Music Show while having a little fun doing it. So, you're either interested or you're not. If not then please give another person the address of this blog and let them make in informed decision. Hope to hear from you and be of service in 2010. Thank you for a few moments of your time and I'll be looking for "your e-mail".

Musically Yours,

Bobby Hitt
Comstock Records Recording Artist

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